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Nutrition for Insulin Resistance: How to eat healthily and successfully

Written by Alexandra , Nutritionist (B.Sc. Medical Nutritional Sciences) | Reviewed by Ronja, Nutritionist (M.Sc. Nutritional Sciences)

Insulin resistance is more than just a health problem – it is a silent risk factor for cardiovascular disease as well as diabetes mellitus, which is often overlooked. But with the right diet, you can actively counteract this and improve your health in the long term. In this blog article, we will show you how a targeted change in diet can stabilise your blood sugar levels.

Topics at a glance

  1. What is insulin resistance?
  2. Type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance
  3. Nutrition for insulin resistance
  4. The basics of nutrition
  5. Almased
  6. Foods to reduce if you have insulin resistance
  7. Hidden sugars
  8. Clever combinations instead of renunciation
  9. Lifestyle  
  10. Mediterranean diet
  11. The right diet for insulin resistance: 5 effective tips

What is insulin resistance?

Insulin resistance is a metabolic disorder. In this case, your body cells do not react properly to the hormone insulin, which is produced by the pancreas and ensures that glucose from the blood is absorbed into the cells of muscles, liver and adipose tissue. With insulin resistance, your body needs more insulin to control blood sugar levels. The reason for this is that in the case of insulin resistance, the cells are less receptive to the signals for sugar uptake, which emanate from the hormone insulin. As a result, the sugar remains in the blood and your blood sugar level rises. This leads to increased insulin secretion and can overload your pancreas in the long term. If insulin resistance is not intervened in time, the result can be the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes

Insulin resistance is the precursor to type 2 diabetes mellitus and thus an important factor in the development of type 2 diabetes. But a metabolic disorder, cardiovascular diseases and other health problems can also be associated with it.

In 2023, the number of people with documented type 2 diabetes in the United Kingdom was at least 4.4 million. (1) Additionally, 1.2 million people could be living with type 2 diabetes who are yet to be diagnosed. In this disease, the absorption of glucose in the body's cells is disturbed and chronic hyperglycaemia occurs.

Do you want to prevent type 2 diabetes mellitus or find a way out of that blood sugar spiral?
Almased can provide you with optimal support and make it easier for you to achieve your goal with our diabetes planAlmased has been proven to lower blood sugar levels and help you establish new eating habits to lose weight sustainably. In combination with exercise, you not only reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, but also counteract secondary diseases.

Nutrition for insulin resistance

Are you wondering what you can achieve with a change in diet? More than you think!

A balanced diet can stabilise blood sugar levelsimprove insulin resistance, and relieve stress on the liver. In addition to a possible reduction in medication, you can also effectively reduce your weight. They are more concentrated in everyday life and are more resistant to stress.

A wholesome diet is also important for your physical well-being. If you move, this can increase the effect even more. You will reduce your weight and feel how the side effects of insulin resistance are becoming less and less.

The basics of nutrition

Basically, when choosing foods, you should make sure to replace simple carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates. Instead of wheat products, choose the whole grain variant and you can easily replace sweets with low-sugar fruits such as berries or sweet-tasting nuts such as cashews. Also, make sure to incorporate high-quality protein sources into your meals. Lean meat, lentils, soya products, low-sugar yogurt and quark are ideal here. It should incorporate high-quality fats. Choose oils, nuts and seeds that contain a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as rapeseed oil, walnuts and flaxseed. You should avoid saturated and trans fatty acids, such as in sausages or ready-made pizzas, as much as possible.


Do you want to do something about insulin resistance efficiently and sustainably? Are you aiming for weight loss without a lot of (time) investment? Would you like to improve your long-term blood sugar level HbA1c?

Almased is your ideal partner on the way to rebalancing your blood sugar levels. This special food for special medical purposes has a glycaemic index of 27 and is excellent for diet and blood sugar management in obese individuals with a BMI over 27 and type 2 diabetes.

With our diabetes plan, we are happy to take you by the hand and support you in successfully achieving your goal.

Foods to reduce if you have insulin resistance

As with all things in life, the dose makes the poison. The same applies to sugary foods and drinks, which should only be on your menu from time to time. Highly processed foods, such as frozen pizzas or currywurst with sauce, can also cause your blood sugar level to rise quickly. Often, these products contain sugar and simple carbohydrates, which can lead to cravings. You should therefore avoid foods with a high glycaemic index. The same applies to fructose and sweeteners, which you should not consume without hesitation. It is better to sweeten your food with natural foods such as low-sugar fruits or sweet-tasting nuts. Soft fruit and cashews are ideal for this.

How about an rocket-walnut-apple salad and a homemade honey mustard dressing to go with it? Or how about a Greek yogurt with oatmeal and blueberries?

Hidden sugar

Although the WHO recommends a maximum daily sugar consumption of 50g, this recommendation is exceeded by many consumers. (2) The reason for this is that sugar in the form of glucose, also known as dextrose, and fructose, is found in more foods than you think.

Sauces, dips, muesli bars, ready meals, fruit juices or the quick soluble cappuccino can be real sugar bombs. Did you know that a sweet chilli sauce consists of 50% sugar or a glass of apple juice (250 ml) contains 30g of sugar?

Our tip: Take a look at the list of ingredients. Both the list of ingredients and the nutritional table tell you what type and how much sugar it contains.

Attention: Even if you read "No added sugar" on the packaging, this does not rule out a high sugar content. Despite the advice, ingredients such as raisins or dates, which naturally contain a lot of sugar, may be included. (3)

But not all sugar is the same! The sugar content contained in Almased from the valuable bee honey contains many health benefits and supports your metabolism. The active honey enzymes it contains ensure that your body can optimally absorb the nutrients it contains and the multi-component protein. Almased also has a glycaemic index of 27 and is also suitable for diabetics.

Clever combinations instead of renunciation

Renunciation was yesterday! Combine and replace foods and escape the vicious circle. This is how you can achieve a balanced diet easily and with a noticeable effect.

Combine your carbohydrates with protein, fats and fibre. To prevent a sharp rise in your blood sugar levels, we recommend that you eat carbohydrates at the end of your meals.

As already described, the quality of the nutrients also plays an important role. The plate method is a great and simple orientation for a balanced and nutritious meal.

In addition, eat your dessert immediately after eating. This will help you avoid sharp spikes in blood sugar levels and counteract cravings.

Optimise your lifestyle

Not only the change in diet, but also lifestyle play an important role in counteracting both the development of insulin resistance and already existing diabetes. With these seven tricks, you can optimise your everyday life to prevent a diagnosis.

  1. Eat regularly. Again, routines can help by scheduling fixed times for your meals. This will help you avoid snacks in between, which will cause your blood sugar level to rise and fall sharply. This, in turn, can prevent cravings.
  2. Pay attention to your portion size. Not only the choice of food, but also the amount of meal has an influence on blood sugar levels. The following applies: The more substantial the meal in relation to body size, the greater the increase in blood sugar levels.
  3. Eat consciously. The keyword is mindfulness. Leave away your mobile phone, laptop and TV when eating. This way you really perceive the food and can better receive your body's satiety signals.
  4. Make sure you get enough exercise. Be it a walk or a round of cycling. Also, feel free to try strength training to strengthen your muscles and increase your energy expenditure. Did you know that exercise not only lowers blood sugar, but also boosts your immune system?
  5. Regular relaxation. Take time for yourself actively. Be it a walk, yoga or reading. In this way, you counteract stress, which can also be a trigger for rising blood sugar levels.
  6. Develop routines. Both a morning and night routine can help you establish healthy habits and reduce stress. You are also welcome to integrate Almased into your evening routine to ensure a balanced blood sugar balance before going to bed.
  7. Get enough sleep. 7-8 hours of sleep a day are ideal for starting the next day rested. To improve sleep, feel free to develop a nighttime routine and try to avoid electronic devices 2 hours before sleeping. Electronic devices emit significant amounts of blue light, which prevent the sleep hormone melatonin from being released.

Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet is often suggested to those affected as an orientation to relieve the body. The reason for this is the foods it contains, which can have a positive effect on blood sugar levels.

The following applies here: Healthy fats rich in omega-3 fatty acids are indispensable in a healthy diet. These include high-quality oils, nuts and seeds, such as rapeseed oil, walnuts and flaxseed. You should also include a sufficient intake of protein in the form of fish, lean meat, tofu, legumes and sugar-free natural yoghurt in your meal. Furthermore, carbohydrates should only be combined in moderation. Make sure to use complex carbohydrates with a high fibre content. Whole grains as well as quinoa and oatmeal are good choices.

The Mediterranean diet can also be combined with Almased. Benefit from the positive effects on your health.

The right diet for insulin resistance: 5 effective tips

Tip 1: Green tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants, especially polyphenols such as catechins. These antioxidants help reduce oxidative stress, which may play a role in the development of insulin resistance.

Tip 2: Bitter substances

Bitter substances, such as those found in green tea and arugula, stimulate the production of digestive juices, including saliva, gastric juice, bile, and pancreatic enzymes. This allows ingested food and nutrients to be digested better and broken down more quickly. Efficient digestion and nutrient absorption are important to keep blood sugar levels stable and improve insulin sensitivity.

Tip 3: Spices

Also, many spices are rich in antioxidants, which help reduce oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can exacerbate insulin resistance, so antioxidant spices such as cinnamon, turmeric, and ginger may have a protective effect.

Tip 4: Fibre

Fibre slows down digestion and the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine. This results in a slower and more consistent rise in blood sugar levels after meals, avoiding sharp blood sugar fluctuations.

Tip 5: Anthocyanins

Anthocyanins are plant pigments found in many red, purple and blue fruits and vegetables. These include soft fruits, aubergines and red cabbage. Anthocyanins are powerful antioxidants that can also help reduce oxidative stress in this case and thus prevent insulin resistance.

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