Almased Blog

Everything about a healthy lifestyle with our products.

Nutrition tips, information and recipes all about Almased.

Browse through our variety of articles and expand your nutritional knowledge around our nutrition and diet plans. With our recipes for new shake creations and balanced meals, you are well equipped.

4 tips for a fully functioning metabolism

“I’m doing everything right but the scales just aren’t moving!” If you’ve ever had thoughts like this and you are frustrated that all the changes you…

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Lose belly fat: Here’s how to fight your stubborn abdominal fat!

The fat on the abdomen is often particularly difficult to get rid of, but it is an important parameter when it comes to health risks. With a little…

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Avoid the yo-yo effect - how it works!

Many of us fear rapid weight gain following a period of strict dieting. But does this have to be inevitable?

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Suddenly, it’s here, the menopause. What then?

We explain how you can best react to the changes in your metabolism.

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Creating Habits: How to build new routines in 5 steps

Here we show you how to turn your resolutions into long-term habits!

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How to properly measure your waist circumference

The easiest way to determine whether you have a few pounds too much on your hips or whether you can sit back and relax is to calculate your BMI.

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How Does Almased Support Your Immune System?

Supporting your immune system and losing weight may be a lot easier than you think, with Germany's No.1 meal replacement* and 'Most Trusted Weight…

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Why Is the Retention of Muscle Mass so Important?

Muscle is determined by protein synthesis and protein degradation. The rate at which we maintain our muscle is influenced by many physiological…

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Find Your Weight Loss Motivation!

Motivation is so heavily relied upon to achieve certain goals, but it also may be counterproductive. If we are unable to reach our goals, then our…

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Are You Aware of Hidden Sugars?

Data from Public Health England has shown that while the consumption of sugary drinks has fallen over the past year, there has been no decline in…

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What Is Your Favourite Thing About Almased?

As Germany's No.1 selling meal replacement and 'Most Trusted Weight Loss Brand' voted by consumers, we have many loyal customers who rely on Almased…

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Can Overweight and Obesity Increase Your Risk of COVID-19?

People of all ages can be infected with coronavirus (COVID-19) but the elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions are particularly…

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Our Wellness Tea - Perfect for Daily Wellbeing!

With an increasing demand for caffeine-free drinks, there's no surprise why herbal teas are becoming more popular than ever!

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Almased - The Perfect Lockdown Nourishment!

Almased can offer so much more than just weight loss! With so many unique benefits, it's such a valuable inclusion in your daily diet.

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Q&A with Katie - Nutrition Advice at Home

Keeping fit and healthy while staying at home is extremely important for both physical and mental wellbeing! We asked our senior nutritionist Katie,…

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The Importance of Looking After Your Mental Health While Staying at Home

For many of us during this period of isolation, we can find ourselves with more free time on our hands.

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How to Maintain and Even Lose Weight While Staying at Home

Self-isolating and staying at home doesn't have to result in weight gain. Ensuring you still prioritise a healthy daily routine will keep both your…

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How to Keep Your Children Physically and Mentally Healthy During Lockdown

In line with the Government's covid-19 guidance schools have closed and they are advising parents with children to stay at home. Initially, this may…

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