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World Diabetes Day - A Healthy Weight Loss Solution for Diabetes

Written by Kevin, Nutritionist (M.Sc. Medical Science)

World Diabetes Day (WWD) is the world's largest diabetes awareness campaign, supported by more than 160 countries. It is celebrated every year on November 14th to acknowledge the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting who, along with Charles Best co-discovered insulin in 1922. Every year WDD focuses on a different theme yet the campaign continues to draw attention to important current issues, keeping diabetes firmly in the spotlight.

This year, the WDD theme aims to promote the role of nurses in the prevention and management of diabetes. Nurses account for 59% of health professionals and are crucial in educating and supporting people living with diabetes.


Key Facts

  • As of 2019, 463 million adults (1-in-11) are currently living with diabetes; this number is expected to rise to 578 million by 2030.
  • 1 in 2 adults with diabetes remain undiagnosed (232 million).
  • Type 1 diabetes accounts for 8% of all cases.
  • Around 90% of people with diabetes have Type 2.
  • More than 4 million people have Type 2 diabetes in the UK.
  • Type 1 is a lifelong condition, but Type 2 diabetes can be put into clinical remission.


Type 2 Diabetes

Recent statistics have confirmed that a staggering 12.3 million people in the UK are at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is considered a lifestyle disease; the main causes of the condition are being overweight and obesity, poor energy-rich diets and a lack of physical activity.

Type 2 diabetes occurs when the pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin or the body's cells are unable to react to insulin. The ineffectiveness of insulin means that the body cannot use glucose efficiently, resulting in the continuous rise of blood glucose levels. The increased blood glucose levels coupled with ineffective insulin usage results in fat storage and difficulty losing weight.

Age, ethnicity and family history can all contribute to an increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, but the most significant factor is obesity, in particular, carrying weight around the stomach. However, it is promising to note that around 3 in 5 cases of Type 2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed by maintaining a healthy weight, eating well and being more physically active. Research has shown that losing even 1kg of body weight can help reduce the risk.


Low GI Diet and Diabetes

The glycaemic index (GI) is a ranking of how quickly each carbohydrate-containing food or drink makes blood glucose rise following consumption. The glycaemic index runs from 0-100 and usually uses glucose, which has a GI of 100, as reference. The lower the GI, the slower and more gradual the rise in blood sugar levels. Lean meats, fish and low-fat dairy foods are examples of low GI foods. High fibre vegetables, pulses and wholegrains also have a low GI due to the complex carbohydrates they contain. Following a calorie-controlled, low GI and high-fibre diet is particularly important for those with diabetes, in particular, Type 2 diabetes. 

Meal Replacement Diets - The Key to Successful Weight Loss and Blood Sugar Management?

Meal replacement diets have been formulated to be convenient, high in protein and nutrient-rich, whilst remaining calorie-controlled (200-250 calories per meal). Controlling calorie intake and creating a calorie deficit is key to any effective weight loss diet.

Meal replacements have gained attention in recent years mainly due to their effectiveness in short-term weight loss, long-term weight maintenance and subsequent benefits in blood sugar control. Studies have proven that consuming meal replacement shakes can result in a clinically significant weight reduction of between 10-15% body weight and subsequent health benefits for obesity-related diseases such as Type 2 diabetes. Research has also shown a positive correlation between weight loss and improved blood sugar levels.


Germany's No.1 Meal Replacement - Effective for Type 2 Diabetes!

Almased is Germany's No.1 calorie-controlled meal replacement and when used in conjunction with a balanced diet, can help achieve healthy weight loss and permanent weight maintenance. Voted Germany's 'Most Trusted Weight Loss Brand 2020', Almased is made with a natural fermented blend of high-quality soya, yogurt, a hint of enzyme-rich honey and boosted with added vitamins and minerals. The wholesome and clean nature of the brand ensured no artificial fillers, flavours, preservatives or stimulants are ever used to make Almased. It is also non-GMO, gluten-free and suitable for vegetarians. The manufacturing process of Almased results in an ideal 2:1 ratio of protein and carbohydrate, with a low GI of 27 and an extremely low glycaemic load (GL) of 4.

The low GI confirms the suitability for those with diabetes; Almased's low GI means that it is slowly absorbed into the body and ensures blood sugar levels are not adversely affected, while the body's requirement for insulin is also reduced. As a result of this lower insulin requirement, fat stores are utilised for energy making it possible to lose weight.

Over 30 years of clinical testing has proven that a diet with Almased can significantly benefit those with Type 2 diabetes. Improvements in weight reduction, waist and hip circumference and long-term blood glucose levels can all be attributed to a diet including Almased1.


Almased's Scientific Findings

  • Significant weight loss and improved long-term blood sugar levels (HbA1c)1.
  • Reduced HbA1c and insulin requirements after a 12-week diet regime with Almased1.
  • Participants no longer requiring insulin therapy1.
  • Significant reductions in body mass index, waist and hip circumference2.
  • Long-term sustainable weight loss after 12 months2.
  • Almased combined with a Telemonitoring intervention achieved a significant 0.8% reduction in HbA1c, coupled with a reduction in insulin and anti-diabetic medication3.


Almased in Your Diet!

Incorporating Almased into a balanced diet can support weight loss, weight maintenance and subsequently, glycaemic control. Replace any daily meal by mixing 5 tbsps of Almased with 200ml of low-fat milk or 200-350ml of water and 2 tsps of oil rich in essential fatty acids (i.e flaxseed, rapeseed, walnut or olive).

Almased is available from Boots, Amazon, Chemist Direct & Superdrug. Purchase today!


1.Kempf, K et al (2013). Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics; (2): 21-27.

2. Kempf, K et al (2014). Diabetes 63 (Suppl. 1): 1480-P (Poster presented at the 73rd American Diabetes Association (ADA) conference).

3 Kempf, K et al (2017) Diabetes Care; Jul 40(7): 863-871.


Success Story


Antonia, who has Type 2 diabetes was becoming increasingly worried about her elevated blood sugar levels and weight gain. She was advised by her GP to lose at least 2 stones and to try a meal replacement in order to kick-start this process and control her blood sugar levels. Her GP also advised that she choose a natural meal replacement, free from any added sugars. Antonia trawled the internet and discovered Almased! She researched the product further and seeing Almased's nourishing ingredients and accompanying positive reviews, decided to give it a go.

Antonia started using Almased in April 2020 and stopped after 2 months when she reached her initial 2 stones target. Lockdown put a halt to Antonia's regular check-ups so she had to wait until the end of September to have her blood sugar levels measured. Before using Almased, Antonia had significantly high blood sugar levels, however, her most recent check-up in September revealed her blood sugars were nearly at a pre-diabetic level! Amazed and so happy that the programme had worked, Antonia has managed to maintain her 2 stones weight loss and has now re-started Almased, replacing two daily meals in addition to one balanced meal. She has now lost a further 4 lbs. 

Importantly for Antonia, Almased has helped her change her mindset; she now chooses healthier foods and eats more consciously by not eating out of boredom or unnecessarily snacking. Antonia wants to lose an additional 2 stones but with the help of Almased, she hopes to put her diabetes into remission and most importantly, live a longer, healthier life with her family!

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